2019 Annual Members Meeting

2019 Annual Members Meeting

September 13-14, 2019. Join us at the MFS for a weekend of fun and appreciation dinner! Last year was a huge success, we are planning for the same this year. Please join us on station for our MFS members meeting this September! Call for lodging reservations now! RSVP for dinner!

Friday Sept 13:
Evening Social

Saturday Sept 14:
Field Trips / Morning TBA / Afternoon “Birding with the Board”

Evening speaker: Steve Arndt (Author of “Oregon Ghosts Towns A-Z” and “Roads Less Traveled in Oregon”

Saturday a nice dinner will be provided by MFS. To make sure there is plenty for all, please call 541-493-2629 or email malheurfieldstation@gmail.com to RSVP.

Post meeting Update:  View the slide show of the meet and greet at Greaswood Hall. Everyone had a good time.

Good food is always a big hit
The refurbished pool tables were popular
Mosquito Population
low > medium > high 0%



Malheur Field Station