Birding Spring 2021

Birding - Spring 2021

SPRING DATE TBA – Join Harry Fuller for a chance to see the results of on-going spring migration. Many nesting species will have just returned. Males will be singing and there will be territorial displays. There may be the young of early nesting species like Ferruginous Hawk, Bald Eagle, Great Horned Owl, Sora. There is always a chance of vagrants such as Catbird, eastern warblers, Orchard Oriole. Some species that nest in the region will be passing through and may include Lewis’s Woodpecker, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Olive-sided Flycatcher.

FIVE NIGHTS. Arrive for dinner on day one, depart after breakfast on the 6. All meals and dorm accommodations provided by Field Station.

Full cost: $900 or $850 if you have RV.
$100 reservation deposit with full payment due by April 8th.


Harry Fuller has lived in Oregon since 2007. He has been leading birding trips and teaching bird classes since the 1980’s He annually leads birding trips for Klamath Bird Observatory, Road Scholar and Golden Gate Autubon.

author of: San Francisco’s Natural History: Sand Dunes to Streetcars:
author of Great Gray Owls of CA-OR-WA:
author of Freeway Birding:
birding website:
my birding blog:

Mosquito Population
low > medium > high 0%



Malheur Field Station