Butterflies of the High Desert
July 12 – 14, 2019 – Dana Ross, M.S. offers a butterfly class at the Malheur Field Station sponsored by the Siskiyou Field Institute.
Harney County, Oregon is known as a butterfly hotspot as well as a migratory bird stop along the Pacific Flyway. We’ll learn both typical and rare species historically seen in southeast Oregon in a classroom session and studying collected specimens. Then we’ll foray to alkaline lakes and hot springs, landscaped areas, bogs and high-elevation sites including Steens Mountain in search of summer butterflies including checkerspots, swallowtails, fritillaries, metalmarks, blues and whites.
Dana Ross, M.S., entomologist, specializes in butterflies and moths. He has studied Oregon insects for over 30 years and currently works in rare butterfly conservation and documents insects at important sites.
Photo credits, Dana Ross