Maintenance Yard Cleanup

Maintenance Yard Cleanup

This project seems to be never ending; we started the cleanup in 2018 and it continues to this day. Getting rid of junk and garbage costs time and money but is the responsible thing to do. Some of the stuff that was making it hard to even turn a vehicle around in the yard was the classic “I might make use of that someday” type things but most of it was just pure and simple rodent habitat.

One of two old FEMA trailers heading down the road
Another load on the way to the dump
Some unusable vehicles being hauled away
Some unusable vehicles being hauled away
Another load on the way to the dump

use arrows to view next or last

Luckily, we were able to sell some of needless things like two FEMA trailers and that trailer load of old vehicles–not for much but better than paying for their removal. There’s more to go and it will stay on our radar.

Mosquito Population
low > medium > high 0%



Malheur Field Station