Sept. 11 - Sept. 16 - Join Harry Fuller for a full day in the Steens where we will go to the peak at just under 10,000 feet elevation.

Birding - Fall September 11 - 16, 2021 CANCELLED due to covid variant

DATES TBA – Join Harry Fuller for a full day in the Steens where we will go to the peak at just under 10,000 feet elevation. In the late summer we may get access to areas closed during breeding season. There may be migrating raptors passing through the valley and mountains. While many insectivorous birds will be gone there will also be songbirds on migration including huge numbers of White-crowned Sparrows and their cousins from several species.

FIVE NIGHTS. Arrive for dinner on the 11th, depart after breakfast on the 116th. All meals and dorm accommodations provided by Field Station.

Full cost: $900 for 5 nights
$100 reservation deposit with full payment due by Aug 15, 2021


Harry Fuller has lived in Oregon since 2007. He has been leading birding trips and teaching bird classes since the 1980’s He annually leads birding trips for Klamath Bird Observatory, Road Scholar and Golden Gate Autubon.

author of: San Francisco’s Natural History: Sand Dunes to Streetcars:
author of Great Gray Owls of CA-OR-WA:
author of Freeway Birding:
birding website:
my birding blog:

Malheur Field Station